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Hot spots to have a cup of tea in Ontario Parks’ northwest

Today’s post comes from Laura Myers, a tea lover and Marketing Specialist with Ontario Parks.

This blog is dedicated to all of those who love tea and nature.

Whether it’s a cool summer evening, or a chilly winter day, it’s always a good time for tea time. There’s something about having a cup of tea that ignites a sense of stillness and calmness. It reminds you to take a step back, and really take in a moment.

Ontario’s northwest provincial parks provide some stellar backdrops for the most perfect outdoor tea parties. Make a cup of tea, and read on to discover six tea hot spots!

Neys Provincial Park

Neys rock by the beach with teapot and cupSereni-tea. Prisoners Cove at Neys Provincial Park is a perfect spot to catch the sunset, and experience the magnificence of Lake Superior. Large smooth rocks situated in the middle of Neys’ 2 km sandy beach is certainly a top spot for a tea party at sunset, or any time of day.

Sleeping Giant Provincial Park

Tea mug with Lake Superior and Sea Lion in the background

Have you ever had a tea party with a sea lion? The Sea Lion is a unique and pre-tea rock formation on the coast of Lake Superior. The Sea Lion is a 2.5 km (round-trip) hike, and it’s great in all seasons.

View of forest and lake

What a beau-tea-ful view. The Top of the Giant Trail at Sleeping Giant Provincial Park is definitely worth the effort, and the hike up. Reward yourself with a cup of tea while overlooking Tee Harbour and Lake Superior. Green tea may be the best choice to have while taking in the views of the green “T” of Tee Harbour. 😉

Kakabeka Falls Provincial Park

Mug and tea with falls in the back

High tea at the second highest waterfall in Ontario. Pack a thermos filled with your favourite tea, and visit Kakabeka Falls Provincial Park. Kakabeka Falls is open year-round for viewing.

Blue Lake Provincial Park

Blue Lake trail through a forest

Grab a travel mug and take a stroll along Blue Lake’s one km Spruce Fen Boardwalk Trail. Black spruce trees tower overhead and a sea of Labrador tea surrounds you as you discover the diversity of a fen ecosystem.

Labrador tea close up

Labrador Tea is a shrub found across Canada. The leaves are leathery on top with furry undersides.  The leaves of Labrador Tea have traditionally been used to make herbal tea.

But please remember to pack your own tea when you visit Blue Lake, as it is not permitted to pick plants within our provincial parks.

Woodland Caribou Provincial Park

Gathering around a campfire with friends and a cup of tea in the backcountry of Woodland Caribou Provincial Park is tough to beat. Relaxing and unwinding after a long day of paddling is always a necessi-tea. Not only is tea delightful, it’s also lightweight, an added bonus when portaging.

Other tea hot spots…

The possibili-teas are endless!

Turn the kettle on

Tea cup on driftwood with sunrise on beach in back

Next time you’re going for a hike, or find yourself wondering what to do, consider packing a thermos, or portable stove, tea, and a mug, and set out to a park for a tea party. Find your bliss by taking the time to stop, drink tea, and take in some of the most breathtaking views our province has to offer.

Do you have a favourite place to enjoy a cup of tea in Ontario Parks? What about a favourite camping mug?

Give it a chai! Have a tea party in a park and share your photos with us on Twitter and Facebook. Make sure to use #cupofteawithOP!

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