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Calling all new campers!

We know camping or visiting a park for the day for the first time can be intimidating.

What supplies do I bring? What are the rules? How can I make my trip as comfortable as possible?

Don’t worry, the Ontario Parks Ambassador program is here to help you make your trip easy and memorable.

Meet our park ambassadors

They’re staff located within 21 parks across the province. Their goal? To make sure you have a great park experience.

Park ambassador with program participants

Drop-in programming offered all summer long!

Park ambassadors offer exciting drop-in programs throughout the summer.

Our drop-in sessions allow you to ask your camping questions, take a guided walk, or visit a demonstration campsite.

Join one of our drop-in workshops during your camping or day use visit to learn an outdoor skill with no reservation necessary. You can find program schedules posted on park bulletin boards or check the park’s events calendar.

Park ambassadors are located at 21 parks

We recommend these parks for those looking to visit a park for the first time, or for anyone who wants to expand their skills:

map of southern ontario with provincial parks

Book an ambassador program at select parks

Some select parks offer the opportunity to book an ambassador for a free 30-minute one-on-one workshop at your campsite to learn a new skill, including workshops on:

  • building the perfect campfire*
  • setting up your campsite
  • wildlife at Ontario Parks
  • camp cooking skills

*Please note that the how to build a campfire workshop will be replaced with the camp cooking skills workshop when a park is under a partial or full fire ban. Check whether your park is under a partial or full fire ban on our alerts page.

These book an ambassador programs are offered at the following select parks:

Registration is easy!

Visit the Book an Ambassador page to see availability of one-on-one sessions at our participating parks!

Free online workshops

In addition to in-person programming, we also offer free online workshops for visitors who want to learn about Ontario Parks and planning a camping trip.

Our staff will answer all your questions before you get to the park. We recommend this workshop for first-time visitors to Ontario Parks

Sign up for a webinar!

Running weekly for May, June, July, and August, our park ambassadors will virtually show you:

  • where parks are located
  • how to travel to parks
  • how to book your trip
  • what to do in our parks
  • types of camping at Ontario Parks
  • and more!

Visit the Book an Ambassador page on our website and select “Webinar” from the drop-down menu to see when the next session will be taking place.

book an ambassador webpage

Check out our first time visitors section of our blog for more information on exploring and camping in parks.

Our park ambassadors can’t wait to see you in parks this summer!

The Ontario Parks Ambassador program would not be possible without the help of our sponsors:

Thank you for your ongoing support.

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