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We want your feedback!

Calling all park-lovers, we have exciting news!

We are exploring the creation of Ontario’s first urban provincial park near Uxbridge…

…and we want to know what you think!

Share your thoughts on the proposal to create an urban provincial park in the Township of Uxbridge!

Tell us: what could an urban provincial park mean to YOU?

An Ontario Parks employee using binoculars to look for birds in the forest

We bet you’ve got lots of terrific feedback about the idea of urban provincial parks in general, and we want to hear it!

In particular, we want to know:

  • what you think an urban provincial park should be?
  • what uses should be allowed?
  • What kind of activities should take place?

Two adults walking with their dog

Take some time to reflect, talk it through with your friends and family, and let us know what you think!

The (anonymous) survey is open now until September 4, 2023.

Don’t miss your chance to weigh in!

What’s happening in the meantime?

The idea of creating a new provincial park takes a whole lot of careful thought. As part of that process, we will be conducting site assessments and evaluations to learn more about the ecological values, significant features, ecological condition and current uses.

two people hiking on trail

If we decide to proceed with the proposed urban provincial park, the government would provide opportunities for public and Indigenous consultation, and would work closely with local Indigenous communities and stakeholders to help inform the final decision.

Don’t forget: we want to hear your voice!

Share your thoughts on our online survey before it closes on September 4, 2023!

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